
The Importance of Internal Monitoring Systems

Jan 31, 2024 | Leadership, Soul Care

Good morning and happy Wednesday! As we say goodbye to January and move into February, it’s amazing how quickly time flies. Today, I want to share with you a personal experience that got me thinking about the importance of internal monitoring systems. While out for a run, I noticed that my heart rate was higher than it should have been, despite my pace being on track. This led me to reflect on how our physical health can be influenced by various factors such as nutrition, hydration, sleep, and stress. It made me wonder if similar monitoring systems exist in other areas of our lives, such as leadership and spirituality.

Monitoring our Faith

In the book of James, we find a passage that speaks to the idea of internal monitoring systems. James encourages us to “count it all joy when you fall into various trials” (James 1:2). He suggests that our faith is tested during challenging times and that the testing of our faith produces patience. This internal monitoring system of joy helps us gauge our faith levels and reveals whether we are truly trusting in God’s provision and care.

The Power of Joy

James emphasizes the importance of joy in our journey of faith. When our external circumstances may not align with our internal struggles, joy serves as an indicator that something is off. It prompts us to examine our prayer life, community, and engagement with Scripture. If our joy levels are low, it may be an invitation to seek God’s wisdom and make necessary adjustments.

Patience and Endurance

As our faith is tested, James tells us that it produces patience. However, this patience isn’t about passively waiting for things to improve. It’s about bravely enduring and standing confidently in the face of trials. Just like a brave soldier awaiting battle, we are called to hold our ground with unwavering faith. This kind of patience requires strength and a resolute spirit.

Monitoring our Spiritual Fruit

Another internal monitoring system can be found in the fruits of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23. Love, joy, peace, kindness, gentleness, and self-control are characteristics that reveal the condition of our spiritual lives. When these fruits are lacking, it’s a sign that something is amiss.

Love and Kindness

Are we demonstrating love and kindness towards others? Do we show compassion and understanding? Our interactions and relationships can be a reflection of the love and kindness that flows from a heart connected to God’s love.

Peace and Self-Control

Do we have a sense of inner peace? Are we able to navigate challenges and conflicts with grace and self-control? These qualities are indicators of a heart that is grounded in the peace of God, allowing us to respond rather than react to difficult situations.

Reflecting on Our Internal Monitoring Systems

The presence or absence of joy, patience, love, peace, and other spiritual fruits can serve as indicators of our spiritual health. When these internal monitoring systems are signaling that something is off, it’s important to take the time to reflect and make necessary adjustments. Just as my high heart rate during a run alerted me to potential issues with nutrition, hydration, sleep, or stress, our internal monitoring systems can reveal areas that require attention and nourishment.

Seeking God’s Wisdom

James reminds us that if any of us lack wisdom, we can ask God, who generously gives without reproach (James 1:5). When we recognize that something is off in our internal monitoring systems, we can turn to God in faith and ask for His guidance. He has the answers and will provide the wisdom we need to make the necessary changes.

I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on your internal monitoring systems. Consider where you are with your joy, patience, love, peace, and self-control. Are there areas that require attention? Are there any adjustments that need to be made? Remember that it’s not just about outward appearances; it’s about the condition of your heart and spirit.

As we navigate through life, it’s essential to pay attention to our internal monitoring systems. Just as a high heart rate can indicate underlying issues, our joy, patience, love, peace, and self-control can reveal the state of our spiritual well-being. Remember to seek wisdom from God and make the necessary adjustments to ensure that you are living a life that reflects His truth and love. May you find strength and encouragement as you monitor your internal systems and grow in your faith journey.

Have a great day, and feel free to share in the comments which internal monitoring system resonates with you the most. See you soon!