Do you remember Kurt Cobain?
In middle school and high school, my idol was none other than Kurt Cobain of the band Nirvana. My passion for him and the band was more than just their musical; it shaped a lot of who I was. I emulated his style, I grew out my hair and wore his trademark grunge clothes. I even picked up a guitar while on a trip to New York and dreamed of standing on a stage, pouring my soul into every song just like he did. This phase of my life illustrates how idols can manifest in various forms, not just as objects of religious worship but also as people we look up to, ideals we chase, or lifestyles we aspire to embody.
So let’s talk about idols. When we think of idols, we often picture ancient statues or golden calf-like figures from the Old Testament. But idols are still very much active in our lives today, even if we don’t realize it. They can take the form of passions, desires, relationships, or even material possessions. Our hearts, like nets, have a tendency to catch these idols, whether we’re aware of it or not.
So, how do we differentiate between a passion and an idol? A passion is something we’re excited about and involved in, but it remains balanced in our lives. It doesn’t define our identity or happiness. On the other hand, an idol becomes excessive in our priorities and focus. It consumes our thoughts, defines who we are, and causes us to neglect other important aspects of life.
Our Hearts as Idle Nets: Cleaning Out the Distractions
Just like fishermen cleaning their nets, we need to clean out the idols that have caught in our hearts. Our hearts, or idle nets, catch things that distract us from our relationship with God and others.
Proverbs 4:23, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything flows from it.”
Our hearts are our moral and spiritual centers, and they need protection.
But how do we clean our idle nets?
First, we need to become aware of the idols in our lives. Idols are often subtle, and we may not even realize they’re there. They can manifest as relationships, achievements, comfort, or even our own ego. Take a moment to examine your heart and ask God to reveal the idols that have unknowingly become entangled in your net.
Next, we need to expose these idols. Just like the fishermen bringing their nets to the dock, we need to bring our idols into the light. It could mean acknowledging and admitting that certain relationships or desires have become idols in our lives. We need to get honest with ourselves and with God about what’s truly capturing our hearts.
Once we’ve exposed our idols, we can begin to clean them out. Our hearts need intentional cleansing. We can’t expect to catch the things God has for us if our nets are filled with distractions. This cleansing may involve letting go of certain habits, possessions, or even relationships that hinder our relationship with God. It may require us to examine our priorities and align them with our values.
Inviting Jesus into our Boats: Trusting Him with Our Hearts
As we embark on this journey of cleaning out our idle nets, we need to invite Jesus into our boats. In Luke 5:3, Jesus gets into one of the boats and asks them to put out into the deep. Jesus wants to come into our lives and hearts, no matter how messy or tangled our nets may be.
Trusting Jesus with our hearts may involve questioning, doubting, and even having fears. But Jesus isn’t intimidated by our doubts or fears. He invites us to trust Him, even when we feel like we’ve toiled all night and caught nothing. In verse 5 of Luke 5, Simon says,
“Master, we have toiled all night and took nothing. But at your word, I will let down the nets.”
Let’s trust Jesus with our hearts and allow Him to lead us into a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with Him.
Cleansing and Going Deeper
So, what does cleaning out our idle nets look like in practical terms?
It means acknowledging the distractions and desires that have consumed our hearts. We need to invite Jesus into our boats and trust Him to cleanse our hearts.
For some, cleaning out your idle nets may involve giving up certain habits or possessions. It may mean letting go of relationships or desires that have become idols. It may require examining your priorities and aligning them with your values. Each of us will have different idols to address, and the process of cleansing will look different for everyone.
But don’t worry, you’re not alone in this journey. If we are honest most, if not everyone wrests with having idols in their lives.
Questions to consider:
- How would you describe idols?
- How do I differentiate between a passion and an idol?
- Why is it important to clean out our idle nets?
- How can I become aware of the idols in my life?
- What steps can I take to clean out my idle nets?
- What role does Jesus play in this process?
- How can I trust Jesus with my heart?
- What does going deeper in my relationship with Jesus look like?
- How can I support and encourage others on this journey?