There was a professor who stood before his class, a glass jar, large rocks, pebbles, sand, and water displayed on the table beside him. He looked at his students, eager minds awaiting the day’s lesson, and began, “Today, we will learn about time management and setting priorities, using these items before you.”
He picked up a rock and placed it into the jar. “These rocks represent your main priorities,” he said, adding more, “like your health, family, and education. They are the foundation of your life.” He then sprinkled pebbles into the jar, filling the spaces between the rocks. “These are the smaller tasks and responsibilities that still matter but should not overshadow your rocks.”
Next, he poured sand into the jar, which filled the remaining gaps. “This sand,” he explained, “represents the minor distractions of daily life. If you let them fill your jar first, there will be no room for the rocks or pebbles.” Lastly, he poured water into the jar, and it soaked into the sand, pebbles, and around the rocks. “And the water,” he smiled, “shows that even when your life seems full, there’s always room for a bit more—time with friends, relaxation, and leisure.”
“The lesson,” the professor concluded, “is to prioritize the big things first. Manage your time wisely, and you will be able to handle not just the essential tasks but also the small joys that make life worth living.”

Now let’s talk life, business, and leadership—a journey filled with lessons and strategies. Amidst the noise and advice flooding in from every corner, one fundamental principle stands out:
“Seek ye the kingdom first,” as Matthew 6:33
This timeless advice reminds us, whether we’re pastors, ministers, business owners, or leaders in any capacity, that our actions, decisions, and endeavors should spring from seeking God’s guidance and wisdom first.
In our fast-paced, information-saturated world, it’s easy to get lost in distractions and lose sight of what’s essential. Yes, deadlines, bottum lines, and goals are important, but they should never overshadow our priority to seek the Lord first.
By putting God at the forefront, we gain clarity and focus, cutting through the noise to see the bigger picture and the eternal impact we’re meant to have. This prioritization helps us discern what truly aligns with God’s will for us and the organizations we guide.
Seeking the Lord means returning to the basics—setting aside time for His presence, for fasting, and for prayer. These simple practices lay the groundwork for a deep relationship with God and align our leadership with His purposes.
Just as a strong building needs a solid foundation, so does our leadership journey. Prioritizing God ensures our leadership stands firm on solid ground, not shifting sands.
When seeking the Lord is our top priority, everything else aligns. Our decisions are shaped by His wisdom, our actions by His strength, and our relationships by His love and grace. This creates a ripple effect, touching every aspect of our leadership.
In the hustle of leadership, it’s easy to forget our ultimate purpose. But when we pause to seek the Lord, we’re reminded that our leadership isn’t about personal success—it’s about serving God’s kingdom.